Under construction

Welcome to my Website!

I am a Web Developer and I normally use WordPress for Website Creation and I can be found here, but I also wish to show my skills in writing HTML and CSS only websites and this is a great and easy to use site for such web development.

Now if they only allowed you to do server side PHP coding, then I would be a very happy man indeed!

I have XAMP installed and can now happily do my php scripting at home, and test a lot of the code in multiple browsers.

Going to try JavaScript with this site too. Apparently it is supported, but we need to find out to what extent.

Just so busy with learning php at the moment. Hopefully will get back to this site soon!






We can design and build you a custom website to your specifications. Weddings? Anniversaries? Special Events? We can set up your website… just the way you like!

We can redesign and improve upon your current design, we can add new pages or update your current pages, or we can update or redesign your menu for a better layout. Does your website need to work on a mobile device? Then we can assist there as well!


We can maintain and/or update current websites. Once setup, websites need to be maintained. From newer code versions, browser updates and numerous other outside sources that can break your website. Websites need maintenance and updates. We can assist you with the necessary maintenance.


If you need new content, or modifications to your existing content. Then we can do that for you as well. As we all know things don’t stay still, especially on the internet. Expansion is an often required necessity.


If you need help getting found on the internet, then we can assist you in that endeavour by utilising search engine optimisation (SEO) strategies.